
How To Turn Off AutoRun/AutoPlay To Prevent Viruses Entering Into Your Windows

How To Turn Off AutoRun/AutoPlay To Prevent Viruses Entering Into Your Windows - Have you ever asked where a dangerous computer virus get into your favourite PC/laptop?

If you are a loyal user of windows operating system from windows 7, windows 8.1 and  now have entered into a series of windows 10(where is windows 9, anyone know?). Must have been often experience where our favorite computer or laptop without known to have contracted the virus.

If the virus works and just hide our data only it no problem, but what if the virus turns out to work and remove our important data on your computer or laptop is our favorite. Well it's definitely the main problem .....

on my computer I have install with many anti virus. What can still be infected with a virus?

If you use the internet and have unlimited data you might not be having problems updating database of existing anti-virus on your computer or laptop. But what if you only have internet facility with a limited quota.

Now thats the problem.

Well the only way surely we have to find other ways to prevent computer viruses that many exist on the network to entry into our computer.

Well one of the entrance of the computer virus enters a computer we are way through the USB media or a more familiar with Flashdisk.

Can we turn off the usb port so that a virus cannot log onto our computers. But what if we need data and such data exists only on a pendrive and can not be on the move from other media.

The only way is to prevent computer viruses go into our computer is to turn off or disable autorun/autoplay facilities contained on the computer/laptop that we have.

How to disable Autorun/Autoplay facility in windows 8/windows 10

Well on my article this time I will explain how to disable or turn off autorun or autoplay facility that exists on a windows operating system that we have. But on this occasion I used the windows operating system and how it can also be used also if we use windows operating system 10. and the following steps

Please sign in to start on the windows operating system you have or we can press the key combination "windows + w "simultaneously to open the search box settings and we can type" autoplay ".

How To Turn Off AutoRun/AutoPlay To Prevent Viruses Entering Into Your Windows
Click on auto play icon on our computer services.

How To Turn Off AutoRun/AutoPlay To Prevent Viruses Entering Into Your Windows
Next remove the check on the "Use AutoPlay for all media and devices" then the next step press the button save to save the settings.
How To Turn Off AutoRun/AutoPlay To Prevent Viruses Entering Into Your Windows

Also read
 How To Turn Off Ads That Often Appear On The  Windows 10 Lock Screen

How to turn off autorun or autoplay in windows 7

If we used the windows 7 then we can type "autoplay" on search on if we press the button start (the windows key)-type in autoplay. like the picture below.

How To Turn Off AutoRun/AutoPlay To Prevent Viruses Entering Into Your Windows
How to disable autorun/autoplay from windows registry

Well the next way is how we disable autorun/autoplay on windows operating systems by directly turn them off from the registry belongs to windows itself. This way is very dangerous if we are not experienced in the use of this facility so I recommend you to backup the registry of windows belongs to you first before doing this one.

To disable autorun/autoplay on your windows operating system from the system registry so we can follow the steps below.

  • Click start or picture windows and then type "regedit"
  • If you get a warning then you can click the yas to immediately open it
  • Mauk to a HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows "
  • \CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer "
  • If the above folder doesn't exist then we can create that folder.
  • On the right pane next we can create new DWORD DWORD with the name if NoDriveTypeAutorun does not exist, Then we can fill it with value as follows

How To Turn Off AutoRun/AutoPlay To Prevent Viruses Entering Into Your Windows

  1. 1 drives of unknown type
  2. 4 removable drives
  3. 8 fixed drives
  4. 10 network drives
  5. 20 CD-ROM drives
  6. 40 RAM disks
  7. 80 drives of unknown type
  8. FF all kinds of drives
Next save and restart computer we have.

If successful then if any falsdisk or other storage media go into our computer via USB media port, then automatically autorun/autoplay facility will not run and there is the possibility of computer viruses that are on flasdisk won't be infected to the computer operating system on your computer to ours.

Thank you've read my article titled How To Turn Off AutoRun/AutoPlay To Prevent Viruses Entering Into Your Windows. I hope my article can help solve your problems

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