
How To view the location history on Google Maps

To view the location history on Google Maps

To view the location history on Google Maps

Google Maps comes with location history. This is to make it easier for users when they want to retrieve the location in case they forget it or you don't have to hunt for it anymore, as it is automatically saved on your iPhone.

If you didn't know about this feature and are unsure how to access it, you can read the following steps.

Read Also  How to check apps that access location on iPhone.

Viewing the location history on Google Maps

  • Open the Google Maps application.
  • Tap on your profile on the top right corner.
  • Tap on the Your Timeline option.
  • Information about your past travel history by date, location, city, or country will be displayed.
  • You can tap the calendar icon in the section to change the history information by date.

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