
How to remove Wajam ads from our computer and browser

How to remove Wajam ads from our computer and browser - My first time at the time of browsing activity that I often do with the aim to find a good article for theme I made in my blog.

I see faults in the mozilla firefox browser that I normally use to make browsing in the internet world.

Today mozilla firefox browser I took out ads in strange and most of these ads are labeled ads by wajam who have the look like in the picture that I give below.

Also on this day alternative ads appear when I do browsing using my browser. I am confused as to why these ads can appear in my browser.

Chances are the ads are indeed used by the blogger or site owner that I visit. For the bloggers put an ad in the blog is a reasonable thing for get some income from their blog.

But there's a strange thing when I do browsing to articles that exist on my own blog and the ads that appear on my blog has the name of the ads by wajam, and at that moment I remember anymore did I indeed place code advertise by wajam it on my personal blog.

And of course if I never had to put up this ads by the name of ads by wajam on my blog. And with this I can conclude that the ads were to appear on the browser application that I use or in other words that there are ads on the computer I use at the moment.

After I tried to find the source of those ads, I finally able to find the source of the issue ads by wajam.

Also Read

How does ads by wajam can infect our computers

We certainly think how can the application of ads by wajam can come and do the install application on our computer or laptop.

Ads by wajam go into your laptop or computer from free applications that we often install and we take on the internet and we install it on our computer. Usually free application is indeed always install another application to install simultaneously with application ads.

So I suggest you be more careful in install free application that you get from the internet. Do not let you install application advertising voluntarily on a computer belonging to you without you knowing, and this application can do harm and damage your computer in the future.

My Article this time, I will explain how to remove the ads by wajam that appears when we use our computers

How to remove ads by wajam  from your computer

This step is pretty easy, we just did a uninstall application ads by wajam from our computer any time we had a chance.

How to uninstall an application ads by wajam is the same as when we do an uninstall application programs and the steps in the perform uninstall application ads by wajam we can follow as follows.
  •  Please go to Start-Control Panel-Programs And Features.
  • After signing in to the Program And Freatures please search application with the name wajam.

How to remove Wajam ads from our computer and browser
  • Right click on the application with the name wajam and click uninstall
  • Please follow these steps to uninstall the application measures the wajam finished.

If it is then when you open your current browser application you no longer see ads from the wajam appeared.

For the first phase is finished but there are still steps that we have to do first before application of ads by wajam completely lost.

The next step we have to reorganize our browsers to reset order for the ads of wajam really gone from a personal computer or laptop that belongs to us.

How to delete ads by wajam from our pc browser

Ads by wajam happened to appear on the mozilla firefox browser, and to eliminate ads by wajam you can use the following steps to remove the ads by wajam in firefox browser on our computer.

How to remove Wajam ads from our computer and browser

  • For the frist steps. we can go to setting on your firefox browser by pressing the keys on the number 1 above.
  • Select the Help menu or as a question mark at the bottom and has a blue color as in number 2.
  • Select troubleshooting information such as on number 3.
  • Select the refrest button firefox like the one in the picture number 4 And the last step is to click the button refrest firefox.
At this point means that we have been eliminating the root of ad by wajam and attached to the mozilla firefox browser we are forever.

Thank you for reading my lates article  How to remove Wajam ads from our computer and browser enjoy your day and always read my article on how to do geeks

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