
2 Way How To Resetter Epson L110 Using Resetter Epson Printer AdjProg

When epson printers do not want to print any documents or are having problems, usually the power/resume indicator light or paper/ink indicator will flash alternately or simultaneously continuously.

2 Way How To Resetter Epson L110 Using Resetter Epson Printer AdjProg


 Not only that, on the computer screen will also display various error messages, such as Waste Ink Pads Counter Overflow Error, "A printer's ink pad is at the end of its service life. Please contact Epson Support", "Ink pad is at the end of its service live", "Service required", "Ink waste is full", "Part inside your Printer are at the end of their life" or similar messages.

Well, when epson printers find one of these problems, you can reset manually or use the Resetter Adjustment Program or AdjProg Application that you can download for free. This application is a helper tool that serves to normalize the function of the printer.

One of the most commonly used benefits of Adjprog is that it resets the total amount of Waste Ink Pad Counter that has reached the maximum number of prints and the use of Epson printers. In addition, this application can also be used to perform other maintenance, such as setting EEPROM, Ink Charge, Print Head Cleaning and so on.

 Check for Error Causes

When the printer you have gets one of the problems / error messages, you do not panic first let alone bring the printer to the serviceman. Because I'm sure you guys handled it easily, which is to do a total reset.

In this case to perform a reset on the Epson L110 L210 L300 L350 L355 printer there are two methods that you can do. First manual reset (without application) and second automatic reset (using Resetter Adjprog.exe / Epson Adjustment Program).

But before performing a reset, it is best to check some parts of the printer that may be one of the main causes of errors or indicator lights paper / ink flashes continuously, including:

  1. Ink Tube: Check the ink on the printer tube, if it runs out please refill it.
  2. Cartridge: Check the printer cartridge. Make sure there is no dirt attached and see the position, whether it is installed properly or not.
  3. Roller: Make sure there is no paper jam inside the printer roller.
  4. Cable: Check the cable that connects the printer to the computer. Make sure both ends are properly attached.

 If the above is already done, but the printer still does not work, you should do a Total Reset, either manually or using the Epson L110/L210/L300/L350/L355 resetter program application.

How to Reset Manually Without Application

Why do Epson printers need to be reset? The reason is to return all settings to their original position and clean up all the data stored in the printer's IC Counter (EEPROM).

For example, returning the configuration to its original (default) position, resetting the maximum number of printed documents to zero, normalizing the ink pad counter, and so on.

Well, one of the easiest ways to reset Epson L210, L110, L300, L350, L355 is to do a manual reset without any software / application. For guidance on how to reset this manual, please refer to the following steps.

  1. Unplug the power cord for approximately 3-5 minutes.
  2. Turn it back on and wait for the printer position to turn on perfectly.
  3. Next, press and hold the resume button (ink logo) for 5 seconds, then release it.
  4. After that, press and hold the resume button again for 3 seconds, after which release it.
  5. Shortly after that, the printer itself will perform a reset process and wait for it to finish.
  6. If successful, the indicator light will not flash and is ready for reuse.

However, if the manual reset does not work and the printer indicator light is still flickering, then try performing an automatic reset using a special software resetter adjustment program.

 How to Reset Automatically Using Epson AdjProg Resetter

One of the first steps to do before performing an automatic reset epson L110 L210 L300 L350 L355 is to prepare the software Resetter Adjustment Program (Adjprog.exe). Well to get it, you can download it below for free along with a tutorial on how to use it.

How to Use the Epson Adjustment Program Resetter

  1. The first step you have to do is please download the Epson Adjustment Program L210, L110, L300, L350, L355 Resetter file above, then extract the file using 7-Zip or WinRar application.
  2. If you have, the next step please run epson Resetter Adjustment Program application by clicking 2X on the Adjprog icon.exe.
  3. Click the [Select] button then select the printer model in the [Model Name] and USB Port used, but it is recommended to select [Auto Selection] only. Then click [OK].
  4.  Next, click [Particular Adjustment Mode] then select [Waste ink pad counter] then [OK].
  5. In the next menu, check [Main pad counter], then click [Check]. At this stage, the printer will provide some important information about the printer, including how many times it has been printed.
  6. After that, check again on the [Main pad counter] and continue by clicking [Initialization]. Wait for the process to complete.
  7. After the reset process is complete, on the computer screen will appear a notification [Please Turn On and Turn Off your printer]. Well at this stage, please turn off and then turn your printer back on.
  8. finish. However, to better confirm that the printer is back to normal, please try printing one of the documents.

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