
Three Clever Tricks for iPhone Calls You Should Know

 For many users, the phone function in the iPhone is only a minor matter, as messengers have taken the place. Nevertheless, there are three little tricks that you should definitely know.

Three Clever Tricks for iPhone Calls You Should Know

Enable LED notification for calls

Unlike many Android devices, the iPhone doesn't have an LED exclusively for notifications. However, there is a little trick that gives you a similar effect. Apple has integrated an operating aid for hearing-impaired people. 

To do this, open "Settings > Accessibility > Audio/Visual" and drag the slider next to "LED flash on hints" to the right. Optionally, you can only activate this with "silent".

Create individual vibrations for your contacts

To recognize callers, Apple lets you make all sorts of settings. In addition to the well-known ringtones and contact photos, there is another possibility: vibrations. 

iOS 13 lets you create your own vibration patterns for contacts completely. 

To do this, open the phone app and call up any contact. Then select "Edit" in the top right. Now tap on "Ringtone" and then on "Vibration". After that, select "Create new vibration" if you don't want a ready-made solution. 

Now tap freely on the display to create a vibration pattern. Creativity is only set a time limit of just under ten seconds. You can restart the recording or "Save". 

Then enter a name and set the pattern for calls or incoming messages from contacts.

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Create call responses

It is not always possible to approach calls directly, for example in a meeting or in the cinema. Apple, therefore, integrated a clever feature to protect the answering machine. 

You have the possibility to send call answers as a message and can signal to the caller that you do not have time or can not go and for example report back later.

In the current iOS version 13.4 (and newer) you will see the menu item "Message" for incoming calls. Here you can choose from ready-made answers. 

However, to create your own message, open Settings and go to "Phone > Reply with Message". Here you can create up to three individual reply messages for incoming calls.

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