
Background app update on iPhone not working? Try some of these tips

Background app update on iPhone not working? Try some of these tips

iPhone requires the app to refresh in the background to get new data. So if you reopen the app, you'll still get the latest information or notifications.

Background app update on iPhone not working? Try some of these tips

But if at some point you don't get the latest information, it means that there is a problem related to the background app refresh.

For this reason, this article will provide some tips that you can follow when you have problems with background app updates on your iPhone.

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Ensure a stable internet connection

Of course, to get the latest information, the background app update requires an Internet connection. For that, make sure your data plan or WiFi connection is working.

Enable background application updating

  • Go to settings.
  • Scroll down and tap the problematic application.
  • Tap (enabled) on the Refresh app in background option.
  • After that, you can try multitasking activities, such as opening the application and then entering another application.

Application updates

Background application update problems in an application may be due to a bug in the application itself. 

For this reason, it is a good idea to check for app updates through the App Store to get the latest version of the problematic app.

Exiting the Beta Programme

Like Android, you can also test beta apps through the TestFlight app. If the app is still in the development/beta stage. 

Perhaps you should stop using it and switch to a stable version of the app in the App Store.

Reset settings

On iPhone, you can reset all the settings you applied in Settings. 

This can help if you're having problems with your iPhone but don't know exactly which settings are related to the problem.

  • Go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings.

Update to the latest version of iOS (if applicable).

Making sure your iPhone is on the latest version can solve problems, as Apple generally fixes issues users experience through iOS updates.

Those are a few ways you can do if you're having problems with the background app update on your iPhone. If you have another way, be sure to share it via the comments column.

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