
8 Ways to Win Shopee Flash Sale To Get Android Phone For Free

 We can do various ways to win free mobile phones at Flash Sale Shopee, but many of us are confused how we can win it.

8 Ways to Win Shopee Flash Sale To Get Android Phone For Free

How to Win Flash Sale Shopee In Order to Get Phone For Free - If you often see flash sale shopee does often present a variety of cheap goods that are much in demand by many people.

Especially if shopee holds events such as 11.11 or 12.12 where you can get free phone at a price of Rp 11 or Rp 12 only.

This is quite difficult because the goods they provide are limited but many people want to get it.

So many people think that how to get a flash sale shopee is very difficult because we do not know the tricks how to win a shopee flash sale.

To win the shopee flash sale we need extra effort to get the best products in the flash sale shopee. But that doesn't mean you can't get it.

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Flash sale shopee

Flash sale is a promo provided by shopee by providing offers for a limited period of time.

The products they display in flash sales are massively discounted until there are products that you can get for only Rp 1,000.

But not only that, sometimes they do the biggest promos at certain events such as shopee flash sale 11.11 or shopee flash sale 12.12.

At this time you can get shopee goods at the cheapest price.

How to Get a Shopee Flash Sale

Newbie this time will give you a way to win to get goods in the flash sale shopee.

Here's how to get free mobile phones at shopee flash sale

8. Select items as needed

When flash sale shopee will be a lot of products available so many of you are confused to buy which item.

But before the flash sale starts, you determine what products you really need or want.

To select the item you can see from the flash sale schedule in the next hour.

You can see all the shopee flash sale products to the bottom and then put the items you want in the basket.

Then when the flash sale shopee has started you can directly check out the order and this way is often done by those who get flash sale shopee

7. Ready for flash sale

Flash sale shopee starts several times a day. In fact, on certain dates, flash sales can be splashed in a few minutes.

You should not miss because you can get shopee flash sale products is to prepare before the flash sale starts.

You can also use the remind me feature in shopee so you can win flash sale items. 

6. Select a delivery address

When you click the buy button does not mean you can easily get shopee flash sale items.

Once you click the button, you should still complete the next stages.

One stage that is quite time consuming is to determine the delivery location. So make sure you have registered the address to go to see the flash sale starts.

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5. Choose a payment method

Payment methods are also one of the most important elements in determining whether you can get shopee flash sale products.

Imagine if you have successfully clicked the 'Buy' button, then determine the address, but you need to do a bank transfer first.

It takes quite a long time. When opening mobile banking, it is possible that the product you are looking for is sold out.

So. The way to get a flash sale shopee is to choose the easiest payment method.

One of the easiest payment methods is to use shopeepay.

By using this payment method you can directly pay for the product through the Shopee application.

Also make sure your shopee pay balance is enough so that you can get your target product easily.

4. Make sure the internet network is stable

This point is difficult to predict. But a fast and stable internet network can help you when you want to get goods at shopee flash sale.

So before you want to buy items at the flash sale make sure you also check first.

Also make sure you have enough quota and make sure your internet network is stable and strong enough.

This is because your rivals also definitely have a fairly fast internet speed.

3. Use RDP

If you have more funds or you own and rent a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

You can use this method to be able to get goods at the flash sale shopee which is at a massive discount.

The reason is because your RPD pc can get internet speed that is fast enough that you can not use to get and win goods at the flash sale.

2. PC and Phone that are not slow

One of the most important things is to use a computer and also a mobile phone that is not lemoot in order to win at the flash sale shopee.

Mobile phones and laptops that are slow can also affect you to be able to get the goods you want at the shopee flash sale.

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1. Shopee Bot

Many do not know if many of the people who won the flash sale shopee used a bot application.

Bot is a robot program that you can use to win shopee products at flash sales.

As has been viral before where there is a share experience of winning flash sale shopee to be able to win the iPhone 13 using bots during flash sale shopee.

The way you just download the shopee flash sale bot and run the shopee bot that you have downloaded on your computer.

Above is a way that you must do so that you can win items that are discounted at flash sale shopee.

You can follow the steps above or you can directly buy goods at reasonable prices in the market.

So long ago newbie tutorial this time with the title 8 Ways to Win Flash Sale Shopee In Order to Get Phone For Free

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