
Add widgets to iPhone lock screen!

 After the practical widgets had already made it to the iPhone Home screen some time ago, it is now the turn of the lock screen with iOS 16. 

Add widgets to iPhone lock screen!

So you can put the mini apps after the update for the first time on the lock screen and always have the most important information for you in view. 

We'll show you how to easily add widgets to the lock screen.

Read Also How to launch EVERY app from the lock screen iPhone

Widgets now also available on the lock screen

With iOS 16, Apple has given the lock screen a little makeover and provided numerous new ways to personalize the lock screen. 

In addition to fonts, font styles, and colors, you can now also add widgets to the lock screen. Previously, you could only put the small info windows on the home screen or in the "Today" view, with iOS 16 this now also works on the lock screen.

For example, you have the latest news, upcoming appointments, weather conditions, or the battery status of other Apple devices directly in view as soon as you look at the iPhone. 

Meanwhile, many third-party apps also offer their own lock screen widgets, so you can add the widgets of your favorite apps to the lock screen.

To add widgets to the lock screen

If you have installed the new iOS 16 update on your iPhone, you can get the new widgets on the screen 

First, hold the iPhone so that Face ID can recognize your face and unlock the iPhone. 

Then press and hold the lock screen briefly and tap on "Set as wallpaper pair" at the bottom. 

On the next level, go to "Customize" to enter edit mode.

You can now add widgets in two places: once in the area below the time and once in the narrow bar above. 

A tap on the "Add Widgets" field opens a view of all the widgets currently available on your iPhone. Here you will find both the widgets provided by Apple and those of third-party apps if they already offer any. 

With a swipe from bottom to top, you can scroll through the widget list.

Now tap directly on a widget to add it or go to an app below whose widget you want to adopt. To remove it, however, select the minus sign at the top left. 

You can also change the position of the widget by holding it down briefly, dragging it to another location in the field, and releasing it.

Some apps offer several widgets that provide different information. For example, you can choose between "temperature", "weather conditions", "precipitation", "wind", etc. in the weather app. 

The widgets themselves are available in two different sizes: one as an elongated rectangle and one as a small square, each with different information content.

With a tap on "Done" at the top right, you take over the setting made. In the next step, tap the background image again to apply it. By the way, with a tap on a widget, you jump directly into the corresponding app.

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