
How to get rid of the new "Search" button

A small tip, more of an aesthetic nature, is the ability to remove the new "Search" button from the home screen. If the button bothers you, you can get rid of it in just a few steps. 

We'll show you how it works!

iOS 16: Remove the home screen "Search" button

With iOS 16, Apple also made several small changes to the iPhone, such as the new "Search" button, which now sits above the Dock at the bottom of the screen by default. 

With a tap on it, you then jump directly to the Spotlight search. Pretty handy as the new button is within thumb reach and allows quick access to search.

But actually also superfluous, since a quick swipe from top to bottom is enough to bring the search feature onto the screen. 

Read Also Battery eaters: Apple warns of new iOS 16 feature

If the new button is a thorn in your side and you wish to return to the state before the big update, you can easily banish the button from the home screen. Proceed as follows:

  • First, open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  • Then go to the “Home Screen” item.
  • Tap the switch to the right of "Show on Home Screen" so that it appears grayed out. Finished!

Now you will find the home screen as it was before the big iOS update – without any “Search” button. In its place are the old dots that indicate the number of active home screen pages. 

Do you use e.g. B. only a single home screen page (while you have hidden or even removed the others), the area between the dock and the apps above appears completely empty and "clean".

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