
12 How to resolve Windows 7, 8 and 10 Failed Update Error Code 80072EFE

Windows updates are very necessary but sometimes there are errors where we can not update windows again because of error Code 80072efe.


Windows update is very necessary for PCs and laptops running the operating system windows 7, windows 8 or windows 10

 But sometimes the operating system has problems when updating and you get an error message 80072efe when you try to update.

To update windows 7 you can follow the steps I have given before in my article.

And if you still get the error code message 80072efe when windows update. You can follow the steps that will be given by the following newbie.

Cause of error 80072efe in windows

Before moving on how to fix the 80072EFE error message, Newbie will first give colleagues about information about why we get the 80072EFE error message.

The 80072EFE error message when this windows update occurs because we have not updated the windows operating system for a very long time.

So of course there are changes that we do not know about the system changes as long as we do not update the windows operating system.

Indeed, sometimes windows updates do not know the time so when we are in need of a sudden windows we do an update and it can sometimes be a full day so we disable windows updates.

But whatever your choice if you get an 80072EFE newbie error message will give you a way to fix it.

Windows 7,8 and 10 failed updates

There are several ways that you can do if your Windows 7 fails to update the system when you try to update.

Here are some ways you can try.

1. Delete CatRoot2 Folder

In the Windows32 system there is a catroot2 folder which is a Windows system folder that is needed when doing the windows update process to run.

The catroot2 folder has the responsibility to save the signature of the windows update package whenever microsoft's operating system updates.

And if you delete the catroot2 folder you can also fix some issues in windows updates including the 80072EFE error.

For the steps you can do below

To delete this folder the first step you can go to a windows service by pressing the Windows+R key and typing the services.msc command

In windows services you can search and double-click Cryptographic Services in the general tab and select stop.

Next you search and go to folder C:\windows\system32 and you delete the Catroot2 folder

Next you just restart your computer or laptop.

2. Use WUReset script

WuReset script you can use to fix problems that occur when you can not update the window.

For the steps how to create this script I have made complete in my article by how to make a wureset update script.

You can follow the steps in the WUReset article and you also run the script after you have successfully created it.

3. Virus Scan

You are also obliged to scan the computer and latop that you use, because this incident can also occur because there is malware or virus on your computer.

You can scan the computer you use using a free antivirus such as avast antivirus or avg that provides computer and laptop protection for free.

If you want more protection you can use some paid antivirus that you can buy in online stores.

4. Stable Internet connection

Make sure the internet connection when you want to update windows is stable and has a fairly fast interenet speed.

The reason is because when doing an update you will definitely get a notification not to turn off the computer and disconnect the internet.

If this happens there is a possibility that you will get an error message like the one above and you can not update your computer.

5. Use the tdsskiller app.exe

This application is an application made by Kaspersky that has a function to prevent and limit the reactionary capabilities of windows Defender applications.

To use it you simply download the tdsskiller application.exe and run the application you have downloaded to scan on your pc.

6. Use troubleshooting feature

You can fix windows updates for error issue 80072EFE. You can follow these steps

  1. Please open the control panel
  2. Find troubleshooting menu
  3. Select View All and you can click Windows Update below
  4. And then you can follow the instructions on the screen before you access windows update.

7. Delete Junk Files

If you've been using a pc for years, surely in a few years you will get sambah files that have accumulated.

To delete junk files that have accumulated, you can follow these steps

  1. Open the Command Prompt by right-clicking Run Administrator
  2. Type cleanmgr
  3.  Later this tool will do scanning and will calculate how much space is used on the hard drive.
  4.  Select also check for all options as well as temporary files.

Later this tool will work and will delete all junk files in the system after that you can try to check whether error code 80072EFE can be fixed. 

8. Driver Update

Drivers that are never updated can also cause microsoft 80072efe code error issues. You can also fix this problem in this way.

  1. Open windows explorer
  2. Right-click on my computer
  3. Select Device Manager
  4. Type chdsk /f /r
  5.  If you can restart it

After the above process has been completed, the pc will restart to perform a hard disk check to resolve the error code issue 80072EFE.

9. Run a file checker system

To resolve the windows 80072EFE error message, you can run a file checker system that is useful for overcoming several errors including the 80072EFE error.

This windows application you can use to scan and repair some damaged files that cause errors in the operating system you use.

To use this app, you can do this.

  1. You open "Command Prompt" as administrator by right-clicking - run as administrator
  2. You check all the devices and make sure there are no yellow exclamation marks.
  3. Right-click on a device that has a yellow sign and driver updates

10. Restore Windows

The next way is to restore the windows operating system that you are currently using.

By restoring, you'll get your windows operating system back to before the event you got the 80072EFE error message. 

11. Download patch update KB3138612

The last step and you can try is to download pacth update windows operating system that has the code KB3138612.

To fix the windows operating system that you have not updated for a long time, you can download the windows update patch KB3138612 and install it on your windows operating system.

After you install the pacth above, you can restart the pc and try to update windows on your pc again.

12. Reinstall

This last way you can do when you have done the steps above but do not produce optimal results.
To reinstall Windows 7 do not forget to also do backups of important data on the computer you use.
Next you can see whether the pc or laptop you use can already update the windows operating system or not.
So long ago newbie tutorial this time with the title 12 Ways to Overcome Windows7,8 and 10 Failed Update Error Code 80072EFE

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